After several interviews with churches all across IL, FBC in Anna, IL (pastor Tony Foeller) kept coming to the fore-front of our minds and heart. We took things very slow and with much prayer...and as the spring progressed we could see God opening the way for us to serve the people in southern Illinois. With about 5 other homes already for sale on our street, we put a "For Sale By Owner" sign in front of our house in Auburn and in a week and a half it was sold!! With this piece of confirmation from God, we quickly began looking for a place to live. We thought we would need to rent a home, but 2 weeks before we moved to Anna, the owner of the Davie School Inn Bed and Breakfast, Gary Dahmer--where we had stayed a couple times while visiting the church and area--called out of the blue saying they had a family member pass away and the family was discussing the estate matters wanting to offer the house to someone they knew and Gary said our names came to his mind. We were so blessed to have this 4 bedroom home fall into our path!
By May 16th we had our 4 month visit at St. Louis Children's to see Dr. Park for her followup. He had her walk the room, and perform a number of positions to see her progress. In his slightly broken English, he said that the left hip needed to be finally addressed and we needed to see the Orthopedic surgeon to be scheduled for the fall of 2010. Then, he said these words...."After the hip surgery, I want to see her 6 months afterwards and I predict that by this time next year (summer 2011) she will walk independently at home and long distance with crutches." I'm pretty sure our jaws dropped a little as we asked him to clarify and say it once again "walking INDEPENDENTLY"...those words rang in our ears!
So, we said goodbye to Haley's orthopedic surgeon in Springfield and transitioned now all her specialty care --ortho, neuro and eyes to St. Louis Children's. We met Dr. Dobbs in orthopedics (who works with all the kids that Dr. Park performs Rizotomy's on) and it was amazing to hear of him speak to how this hip surgery will help prevent early arthritis in her "20's"....I realized then that NOONE had ever addressed Haley as living into her 20's! :)
This surgery is more painful than most of the others she's had--3 surgical sites and more chances for infection, plus a broken bone and foreign metal in her body. She is "itchy" like crazy and even as pleasant as she is most every day, this will be a challenge for her!
There's been times that my brain wants to say "oh, she's ok--do we REALLY need to fix this? I mean, she was walking so well, riding her bicycle, playing with her sisters, doing well at school and overall thriving so we HAFTA?"....and I'm reminded actually of my spiritual condition at times...I may look like I have it all together on the outside and I "act" like I'm fine, but underneath is a serious problem that I need to be broken and poured out and allow my Father in Heaven to fix me. Even though the process may be horrendous and it will be obvious to other people that I'm being "worked" on and my pride will be the end, I will be stronger, healthier and be a better witness of God's glory displayed in my life. That's what it's all about. Being delicate clay pots that can be broken and re-molded in order to be of better use to the Lord so that my life can reflect His glory.
We look forward to the future both in our family's life and Haley's. Thanks for joining us in this journey of faith!