Sunday morning at 8:30 Haley had her final therapy session where Beth made new casts of her legs and feet to make a new set of braces as the others were not to their satisfaction (it's funny how every PT has a different opinion)--and Haley had complained of pain while wearing them since the week we got them, so it's probably best that we got ahead and get this done. We saw her walk and move around a little more in the play area--and little Irwin, who also had the rhizotomy was just going like gangbusters! He's going to do amazingly well very quickly. They said goodbye to each other and maybe we'll run into them in 4 months when we go for follow-up.
It's so great to see Haley walking--granted it's with alot of help, but seeing her right AND left leg swinging forward to take steps so freely is just amazing to watch. We have to remind ourselves as to who's child we're looking at!
Sunday afternoon we arrived home and though we were all very tired, we eagerly awaited Papa and Nana bringing Brynna and Roslyn home. It was so good to be together again as a family! We sure had fun "skyp-ing" them every day--that was such a high-lite for Haley and it was the very thing that brought about the first smile the 2nd day after surgery!
Monday---we had our first "at home" therapy as we usually do anyway with Julie and Pat over at St. John's hospital pediatric rehab. Haley was a little lethargic getting started with Occupational therapy (OT), but perked up as the time progressed. Julie (who's worked with Haley now since May 2006) could tell a huge difference in the way Haley was moving her left arm--it was free-er and more active! Pat (our PT) could also tell a major difference and was pleasantly surprised at how free her legs were in moving around during floor play, etc. Overall we are on our way in the next weeks to seeing a new Haley! Monday and Wednesdays we'll be at the hospital for therapies, and Tuesdays/Fridays will be at Haley's school with her PT's there. The next month will probably be the most challenging since we are needing to give her full attention now at home--which is challenging with a 2 yr old and 3 month old! But, we know that this is temporary and things will get better!
Praying for baby Matthew...
Saturday evening, after Haley's bed-bath and dinner, Lynel took Haley in her wheelchair to the Ronald McDonald room on the 5th floor in order to purchase 25 cent soda's for Jeff and Lynel was wanting their McD's coffee! Haley wheeled herself around and she was excited to chat with the folks in the tv area. While eating our snack of popcorn (that Haley had asked the volunteer if she could have some), we met Brandi, a mother of a 1 month old baby boy--named Matthew, and she began telling me of her story. Matthew is a twin and his perfectly healthy brother is at home with the rest of her family (she has 8 children now) down in southern IL close to where Jeff is from. Matthew, on the other hand, was born with spina bifida (a neural tube defect in the same family as Haley's --except her opening was not in her spine, but in her skull), and he also suffers from hydrocephalus and has a shunt--also like Haley. But, along with the physical defects, he is also suffering from a shunt infection, and a "suspicious pocket" on his brain. Lynel immediately knew there was a special reason for them meeting.
As Lynel started sharing about Haley and the journey of her life--Brandi just stared in disbelief at Haley (who was smiling and talking with the people in the room) and we had a great talk about faith, God and our need of him in our lives and it's through these times when we see our children hurting or if we're in a situation we can't control--it truly tests our faith and encourages our hearts to depend deeper and stronger on the Father.
Lynel got the privilege later to meet Matthew--such a precious baby! He really needs prayer--as his fluid levels surrounding his brain have not been adequately controlled, and he's just a sick baby. He can breath and drink from a bottle--which is all good, and hopefully the infection will clear soon.
It was such a reminder for me--and Brandi--that these babies ARE precious--and I directed her to Psalm 139 as Jeff and I have read that repeatedly. The heavenly Father has a special plan for all of us and we need to live the life we've been created to live--and that includes special needs children. They are not "throwaways" or people to be overlooked. I told her how much I've learned about myself and about the Lord just by watching Haley interract with people. She's been a priceless gift for us.